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Spring Fling Showcase

Our spring show will be held on Saturday, April 6th, 2024 from 7p-10p at the TR Studio located at 3027 Barrow Drive, Raleigh, NC 27616. 


For information on participating, check out the entry form available via pdf download at the button below. If you have questions, please feel free to email Shari for more information.


If you want to spectate, there is limited seating available. Tickets are $12 in advance (by April 5th) and $15 at the door. 


What is a showcase, you ask? In short, it’s a recital for (mostly) adults… Why would we produce a recital for adults? Because it gives our students a goal.


Many aspiring dancers like to perform. This could be for many different reasons. Some people never got a chance to try it as a kid, some really like being the center of attention, some like to challenge themselves because they don’t like to be the center of attention and some use showcases as a means to become proficient or expert level in a particular dance. Whatever the reason, it is pure entertainment, both for the performer and the spectator! If you have ever wanted to try it, NOW is the time to start thinking about your routine. All teachers, studios and dancers are invited to participate!

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